The main concept of this shoot was to incorporate ideas from my earlier shoots and merge them with inspiration from artists. I think the compositions and ideas behind the shoot are very similar Eleanor Hardwick and Elena Marshall however a lot of their images have a slight more dreamy feel (similar to the polaroid sx 70 camera, and the type of images it takes) whereas my image below has a more lomo feel, with more contrast. I have also been looking at boho and hippie style fashions similar to the sixties and seventies which I tried to portray with the floral maxi dress, bare feet and head band. There are just a selection of raws but the entire shoot is in my working journal as a contact sheet, I just thought these were a good indicator of techniques and various experiments with composition.
I retouched this image to try and portray a lomo type feel, I tried to keep the composition quite natural and dreamy, and I really like how there is a slight wind which creates movement in the hair. I think the colour and contrast is a really strong point to the image, the contrast between the reds and greens is very eye catching and I also like the use of perspective. To develop this image I would like to take a similar shoot on my film camera and continue to experiment with composition.

In this image I tried to create a holga style, again similar to the above I tried to use perspective but I also like how the holga type edges to the image seem to frame it. The raw itself was a little over exposed which means I lost some of the finer details so if I took this shoot again I would make sure I got the manual settings perfect and didn't make any errors such as that (making the shutter speed shorter or reducing the ISO could over come this if I wanted to keep the aperture the same because I would like the same depth of field.)
This image is much more similar to Marshall and Hardwick's work. The lighting not specifically studio lighting but it's artificial. I like the composition, however if I retook the shoot I may experiment with different costumes and locations to add interest.
Dont particularly like the composition of the above and below images. Next time would try from different angles for example higher or lower.
Like the idea behind this however this is an awful attempt as the plant isn't even in focus. Will definitely be trying this technique in later shoots though.
Same for these two images, however even if the grass was in focus I don't think it adds anything to the image. I like the model and composition in the photograph though and the below.
These above five images are probably some of my favourite from the shoot. I really like the simple composition and how the colours in the sky is captured.
I like the angle used here.